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16 avril 2008

I want...

... more skirts.........
16 avril 2008

Moi et...

Un animal que je ne pourrais jamais manger None... Même que je serais curieuse de goûter à de la chaire humaine o.o (Didn't you know that I was THAT weird ?) Mon permis de conduire J'ai coulé l'examen 8DDDDDDDDDD Un truc qui me fait cacher les yeux Du...
16 avril 2008

This is Selia's best picture ever o.o !!! <333

This is Selia's best picture ever o.o !!! <333
This is like... the perfect illustration for androginy o_oYou really can see the both sides, male and femaleOr it is that I'm too used to it... but... Yea...I love that pic <3
15 avril 2008

What the... ?

Title: Changes, 4 parts, sequel to Co-addicted (which is still WIP)Summary: a tipsy Kaya brings a tipsy Sisen home for Mana to play with and unwittingly sets light on some unspoken issues in Mana and Kaya's relationship that the two will have to resolve.Pairing:...
15 avril 2008

Something in this pic...

Something in this pic...
Reminds me about Madonna oO.... And he deffinitly shouldn't use that much Photoshop o_oHave you seen that round face ? Where does it come from ? XDDD;;;And yea... Mai-chan was right, he does look like a poodle XDDDDD(By the way, thank her for that pic...
15 avril 2008

It's kinda funny when...

People you don't know add you to their msn contact list and then they're asking you for your picture, you answer to go see on your MySpace profile and give the link and then... they leave.... XDDDIt just happened with some random guy from Switzerland...
15 avril 2008

Vivienne Westwood once said :

" It is not possible for a man to be elegant without a touch of femininity. " This is ABSOLUTELY true. And Kaya once said something that really sounded close to this...I think it has even more impact coming from a man...Even if that man is probably 100...
15 avril 2008

Merci Rikette *___* Embedding disabled, gomen ne. Attaque du Pillsburry XD + HIZAKI qui a l'air presque saoul, genre XD + Kaya's sweet gay laughter + Trucy qui élucide le mystère derrière les cheveux de Jasmine + YUKI qui a vraiment...
15 avril 2008

Ostie de tabarnak que j'suis juste tannée ò_ó

Les calices de filles connes, épaisses, stupides, imbéciles, idiotes, crétines, pétasses, sottes, cruches, bêtes, retardées.... J'en ai tellement assez là X___X elle sont tellement épaisses crisse que j'suis tannée ciboire O_O c'est pas dûr de comprendre...
14 avril 2008

La princesse de la décadence feuillette son VIEUX blog

Et tombe sur ça : TABARNAAAAAAAAK XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD J'étais donc ben intense XDDDDDPis j'tripais donc ben sur miyavi, bâtard !!!! XDDDDDD;;;;;C'est carrément...
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